Can’t I Just Use My Laptop Miss??

This complaint when students are asked to write something in their books even during my small time at schools teaching has made it obvious that students these days feel that writing in a book instead of on a laptop is probably equivalent to how we felt being forced to used library books to research instead of simply using google. But are we losing something when this happens? Looking at my niece and nephews handwriting, they have almost finished primary school and it is still just atrocious, they have homework, but it on an app and not paper. Besides colouring I don’t think I have ever seen them hold a pencil or pen for more than a minute at a time.

I know that this skill most likely will become useless in the future of screens, but I do worry about what will become of us if we can’t even write a paragraph legibly.

Can’t I Just Use My Laptop Miss??

Are We Failing Them?

Students with disabilities have always been an issue for schools not only in Australia but globally. Many approaches have been taken over the years. Originally many special needs students were either forced to try to fit into mainstream schools or were sent to special schools with teachers specifically trained to deal with these students. Now however inclusion of these students is what many schools are trying to push. Both approaches have their positives and negatives not only for the students but the parents and teachers as well. With the way we teach students and the resources teachers can use expanding every day, hopefully with these resources disabled students will have more of a chance to experience real learning.

Louise Milligan has an interesting perspective on this, as explained in her article, here.

Are We Failing Them?

Some Countries Do It Better

I have always found it fascinating how developed countries around the world can take such a vastly different approaches to education. Some seem to make a vast amount of sense and others just seem to be unable to evolve. The American system of education honestly just seems stupid. I don’t think I have gone a day without reading some article or blog post (secret teacher is one of the most obvious) about how American teachers are becoming so fed up with the system that seems to be just piling more and more responsibilities on the teacher and the students that every lesson is focused towards teaching for the test in the unattainable hopes that this will produce real learning.

In comparison Finland doesn’t start their schooling until the age of 7, they have play and are trusted individuals. But perhaps most importantly they are assessed through observations, check-ins and small quizzes in comparison to standardised tests. One of our fellow bloggers, Kim agrees with this general idea.


Some Countries Do It Better

Hashtag What?

I have previously written about the fear of being left behind as technology evolves at such a quick pace. I fear that even though I am only 21 I am already beginning to fall behind and the first sign in my case is my reluctance to use hashtags. It was pointed out to me recently that I don’t know how hashtags actually work and I have never actually used one . In a bid to fix this I googled hashtags and their purpose.

Urban Dictionary has given some insight. It is apparently thought that the first hashtag used was #flight1549, it then went viral and the hashtag phenomena was born. Although I now also know that hashtags are basically a google search for peoples opinions, the only problem? Unless the hashtag is trending there are thousands of different hashtags for one subject area.

I think I will stick to google searches but still its nice to know how to use them.

Hashtag What?

Assignment Countdown

clockThe day my school experience finishes I have a 10 day countdown before I must hand in 4 assignments on the same day. Organisation not being one of my better qualities the stress is already beginning to build. In my bid to not suffer a monumental meltdown during those 10 days I have taken to browsing the web for study tips, which although is a thinly veiled attempt to procrastinate, I have managed to find some interesting websites with some useful suggestions.


  • Have countdowns and time limits on tasks
  • Have smaller targets to meet for the big tasks
  • Learn to say no to social activities
  • Block out distractions

To find more helpful hints click here

Although I do feel grateful I don’t have to do math assignments unlike Mr Clancy and that tends to remind me that at least I don’t have to do math.

Assignment Countdown


In Australia the majority of students wear uniforms to school, and secretly I am very jealous of them. Uniforms bind the students together so they are immediately part of a group, but most importantly in my mind they don’t have to worry about what they have to wear, if it fashionable? appropriate? have I worn this top too many times? Perhaps men don’t have to worry about this as much but as a woman it tends to be something I worry about. Sarah takes the view that pre-service teachers should have t-shirts, but honestly I could imagine nothing better than having a teachers uniform for when we become official teachers. Not having to have a separate closest for my work appropriate clothes that i would never wear would be a dream. Early child-care teachers have them, why cant we?
